
Static & Dynamic Carte Clusters

If you want to speed the processing of your transformations, consider setting up a PDI Carte cluster. A PDI Carte cluster consists of two or more Carte slave servers and a Carte master server. When you run a transformation, the different parts of it are distributed across Carte slave server nodes for processing, while the Carte master server node tracks the progress.


A slave server is essentially a small embedded webserver. We use this web-server to control the slave server. The slave server is started with the Carte program found in your PDI distribution. The arguments used to start a slave server with Carte are discussed elsewhere but the minimum is always an IP-address or hostname and a HTTP port to communicate.

For example:

sh localhost 8000

carte.bat localhost 8000

The slave server metadata can be entered in the Spoon GUI by basically giving your Carte instance a name and entering the same data. There are two types of Carte clusters:

Static Carte cluster has a fixed schema that specifies one master node and two or more slave nodes. In a static cluster, you specify the nodes in a cluster at design-time, before you run the transformation or job.

A Dynamic Carte cluster has a schema that specifies one master node and a varying number of slave nodes. Unlike a static cluster, slave nodes are not known until runtime. Instead, you register the slave nodes, then at runtime, PDI monitors the slave nodes every 30 seconds to see if it is available to perform transformation and job processing tasks.

Static clusters are a good choice for smaller environments where you don't have a lot of machines (virtual or real) to use for PDI transformations. Dynamic clusters work well if nodes are added or removed often, such as in a cloud computing environment.

Dynamic clustering is also more appropriate in environments where transformation performance is extremely important, or if there can potentially be multiple concurrent transformation executions.

Last updated