The ‘Parameter fieldname’ is where you specify the parameters, therefore the values, for the conditions. Each row in the grid represents a comparison between a column in the table, and a field in your stream, by using one of the provided comparators.
LIKE matches values. You can't alias a column in the select clause and then use it in the where clause
The question marks you type in the SQL statement represent parameters. The purpose of these parameters is to be replaced with the fields you provide in ‘Parameter fieldname’. For each row in the stream, the Database join step replaces the parameters in the same order as they are in the grid, and executes the SQL statement.
So, let’s look at the WHERE conditions entered:
PRODUCTNAME LIKE like_statement and BUYPRICE < max_price
For the first record this translates as:
WHERE PRODUCTNAME LIKE concat ('%','Aston Martin','%') AND BUYPRICE < 90
As the Outer Join option is checked The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table and from the right table. The FULL OUTER JOIN keyword combines the result of both LEFT and RIGHT joins.
The table dataset A is then compared with the stream dataset B. If there’s a match, then values for PRODUCTNAME and PRODUCTSCALE are returned.
This is not a database join. Instead of joining tables in a database, you are joining the result of a database query with a dataset.
For the second record:
WHERE PRODUCTNAME LIKE concat ('%','Ford Falcon','%') AND BUYPRICE < 70
As there is no record, NULL values are returned for:
So far, the results could be achieved using a Database Lookup step. However, there is a significant difference, as illustrated with the third row. For Corvette, the Database join found two matching rows in the database, and retrieved them both. Not possible with a Database lookup step.