Backward Chaining

Rules when executing in multiple threads ..

There are rules on the sequence in which Job Entries are executed.

In this demonstration the Job Entries were placed on the canvas in the following order:


  • Transformation A

  • Transformation B

  • Transformation C

  • Success

The Job will start with Transformation A as this was placed first on the canvas.

Even though Transformation C and Success were placed on the Canvas after Transformation B .. it will be executed before Transformation B as there's a hop from Transformation A.

Once the Transformation A pipeline has been completed with a success then Transformation B will be executed.

RUN the Transformation

  1. Click the Run button in the Canvas Toolbar.

  2. Click on the Job Metrics tab.

as you can see from the Job metrics Transformation A -> Success is executed before Transformation B. Check the dependencies ...

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