Data exchange & storage ..

XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a versatile format for structuring and storing data, widely used in various applications and data exchange scenarios. One of the powerful tools for working with XML is XPath (XML Path Language), which provides a way to navigate and extract specific data from XML documents.


XPath is a set of rules used for getting information from an XML document. In XPath, XML documents are treated as trees of nodes. There are several types of nodes; elements, attributes, and texts are some of them. As an example, document, and order are some of the nodes in the sample file.

Among the nodes there are relationships. A node has a parent, zero or more children, siblings, ancestors, and descendants depending on where the other nodes are in the hierarchy. To select a node in an XML document, you should use a path expression relative to a current node.


Workshop that parses XML from various data sources.

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