Prerequiste Tasks
Configure Colab & Data Integration for ML ..
You will need to complete the following prerequisites:
• Install Python
• Create a Google CoLab account
• Install R (optional R Studio)
• Configure Pentaho Data Integration with R
Google Colab
Colab is a Python development environment, based on Jupyter Notebooks, that runs in the browser using Google Cloud.
It provides a runtime, fully configured for deep learning libraries, such as Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV.
If you haven't already .. sign up for a free account..!!
The following prerequiste steps configure your environment to RUN ML data pipelines in Pentaho Data Integration.
This section is for Reference only.
The following tasks configure Pentaho Data Integration in a Linux environment.
Make sure all installed Packages are up-to-date.
Check to see if Python is installed.
Install the latest Python version
Only proceed to update your Python to the latest version if required.
Install dependencies.
Import key for PPA deadsnakes.
Add Repository.
Renew the cache, then find current Python version.
Install latest version.
Create symlink.
Different Python versions
You may have a particular one you want as the default for users needing multiple versions of Python on their system.
The default version of python has been set to 3.10
- required by Apache AirFlow
List the python versions:
Set the Python version:
Then set the required version:
Last updated