Welcome ..

Pentaho Pro Data Integration Practioner

Updates have made to the Workshops (see changelog below).

Please run 'Load the latest Workshop' script.


Pentaho Data Integration, often referred to as PDI, is a powerful tool for building your data pipelines. Its main unique features include an intuitive graphical interface, support for various data sources and destinations, extensive transformation capabilities, and robust job scheduling and automation.

The Pentaho Data Integration Practioner workshop introduces the key concepts behind building your data pipelines using Pentaho data Integration.

Once you have completed the course you will be able to explain:

• Overview of the Pentaho Data Integration Components

• Key concepts & terminology

• Onboarding various data sources

• Transforming & enriching datasets

• Scaling out an Enterprise Solution

Overview ..

The following video introduces the main Topics covered in the course.

To watch the videos please copy and paste the website URL into your host Chrome browser.

The following content has been automatically generated by an AI system and should be used for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. Any actions taken based on this content are at your own risk. We recommend seeking qualified expertise or conducting further research to validate and supplement the information provided.

Lab Environment ..

The video highlights the menu options which will help you get the best Lab experience ..

The following content has been automatically generated by an AI system and should be used for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. Any actions taken based on this content are at your own risk. We recommend seeking qualified expertise or conducting further research to validate and supplement the information provided.


VM is unresponsive !
  • Refresh the browser session to reconnect.

  • Try another browser. The recommended browseris Google Chrome.

  • If you're connecting via a Corporate VPN, then this may cause issues. Contact your IT dept to get the URL 'white' listed.

When does the Lab expire ?

The initial duration is 5 days. You will receive an email asking if you wish to extend your time limit.

Videos aren't loading?
  • Hard refresh your browser. CTRL + F5

Is there sound ?

Yes .. There's no sound card attched to the Lab, so you'll need to copy and paste the Lab Guide URL in your host machine browser. 😊

Where can I get a copy of the 'workshop files' ?

Sure .. All the collateral can be found at: ~/Workshop--Data-Integration.

You can also copy/fork the Git repository: https://github.com/jporeilly/Workshop--Data-Integration.git 👍

Load the latest Workshop ..

Just in case accidentally delete any of the workshop files.

Run the following script to upload: Workshop--Data-Integration

Windows (on server

cd Scripts

Linux (on server

cd ~/Scripts

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The guide is designed for ‘training environments’ and is not appropriate for production environments.

Last updated