Hierarchical Data Type

handling Hierarchical Data Types - JSON & YAML ..

A hierarchical data type is a data type that represents a hierarchical structure of data, where each data element has a parent-child relationship with other data elements. A hierarchical data type can be used to store and query data that is organized in a tree-like fashion, such as organizational charts, file systems, or taxonomies.

A hierarchical data type has some advantages, such as compactness, depth-first ordering, and support for arbitrary insertions and deletions. However, it also has some limitations, such as the need for application logic to maintain the tree structure, the difficulty of handling multiple parents or complex relationships, and the lack of standardization across different database systems.

A common example is employees and managers: employees and managers are both employees of a company. A manager can have employees they manage, and can also have a manager themselves.

Hierarchical Data Type (HDT) is a new datatype in PDI for handling structured/complex/nested datatype based on JSON / YAML (v10.1 release) format.

There are 7 new plugins/steps:

Hierarchical JSON Input - is used to get data in HDT from file / previous steps and convert it into JSON formatted string.

Hierarchical JSON Output -

Hierarchical YAML Input - is used to get data in HDT from file / previous steps and convert it into ? formatted string.

Hierarchical YAML Output -

Extract to Rows -

Modify values from a single row -

Modify values from grouped rows -


As part of the Pentaho Data Integration & Analytics plugin release journey to decouple plugins from the core Pentaho Server, Pentaho EE 9.5 GA is releasing new plugins and enhancements to its existing plugin collection.

This section is for Reference only. The plugin has been downloaded and installed.

  1. Log into the 'Pentaho Support Portal' and download the plugin.

Download Plugins
  1. Select the Pentaho version.

  1. Download selected plugin(s).

  1. Extract HDT plugin.

cd ~/Downloads
unzip hierarchical-datatype-plugin- .
  1. Install HDT plugin.

cd ~/Downloads/hierarchical-datatype-plugin-
  1. Accept License Agreement -> Next

  1. Browse to ../data-integration/plugins directory

  1. Click 'Next' and accept overwrite warning.

  1. Restart Pentaho Data Integration & check for Hierarchical folder.

Last updated