
Use Case: Manufacturing ..

Nowadays, plants use a wide selection of industrial sensors, each with a unique design, and application to collect and analyze data.

These Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems consist of both software and hardware components which enable remote and on-site gathering of data from the industrial equipment.

Pentaho Data Integration enables you to collect data from any source in real-time, augment data streams in a single interface and transform raw data into actionable manufacturing insights.

Lets take a brief look at a couple of the challenges that face implementing a SCADA system:

Data Silos: Brownfield factories will have manufacturing equipment and backend systems from a wide variety of vendors that produce data in proprietary formats. These formats often create data silos that hinder deep level analysis across the entire factory operation.

IT/OT Priorities: A successful modernization project needs to include experts from the operations side (OT) and the enterprise IT side (IT).

The goal is to connect the various functions of the factory across a standardized IIoT bus:

Automation area: Factory machines, sensors and gateways. Data needs to be able to flow between the machines and the sensors and gateways. The gateways are typically used to communicate with other areas in the factory architecture.

Manufacturing area: Systems used to control the factory equipment such as SCADA and MES systems.

Factory area: Systems used to manage the entire factory such as PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) systems.

Cloud: Connectivity to the enterprise IT systems of the organization that allows for deeper integration between the OT and IT systems.

The majority of SCADA and MES systems on the market come with support for MQTT.

Unified Namespace (UNS) is a novel solution that allows you to collect data from various industrial IoT (IIoT) systems, add context to it, and transform it into a format that other systems can understand.

Remember to stop the mosquitto container.

  1. Ensure the Mosquitto Broker has been stopped.

docker stop mosquitto
  1. Copy over the required files.

mkdir -p ~/Streaming/HiveMQ4 && cd "$_"
cp -R ~/Workshop--Data-Integration/Labs/'Module 7 - Workflows'/'Streaming Data'/HiveMQ/* .

Docker Network

As we're running quite a few containers on the same server, let's ensure that the containers for each How-To are isolated from each other.

docker network create -d bridge hivemq

HiveMQ Container

• This HiveMQ deployment is not secure! It's lacking Authentication and Authorization.

• Right now any MQTT client can connect to the broker with a full set of permissions.

• For production usage, add an appropriate security extension and remove the hivemq-allow-all extension.

• You can download security extensions from the HiveMQ Marketplace (

  1. Run HiveMQ Docker container.

docker run --ulimit nofile=500000:500000 --name=hivemq4 -p 9090:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 1883:1883 --net=hivemq hivemq/hivemq4


imits system resource amounts that individual users can consume


the maximum number of Open Files/File Descriptors this user can have at one time


name of container

-p 9090

mapped container port. Exposes HiveMQ container Control Center on port 8080 to external 9090

-p 9000

mapped container port. Exposes HiveMQ container Websocket on port 9000

-p 1883

mapped container port. Exposes HiveMQ container TCP Listener on port 1883.


name of isolated Docker network: hivemq


Docker Hub image

  1. Log into HiveMQ Control Center.





➡️ Next: Generate industrial robot sensor data

Last updated