Slowly Changing Dimensions ..

Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) - dimensions that change slowly over time, rather than changing on regular schedule, time-base. In a Data Warehouse, there is a need to track changes in dimension attributes in order to report historical data. In other words, implementing one of the SCD types should enable users assigning proper dimension's attribute value for given date. Example of such dimensions could be: customer, geography, employee.

There are many approaches how to deal with SCD. The most popular are:

  • Type 0 - The passive method

  • Type 1 - Overwriting the old value

  • Type 2 - Creating a new additional record

  • Type 3 - Adding a new column

  • Type 4 - Using historical table

  • Type 6 - Combine approaches of types 1,2,3 (1+2+3=6)

A type 0 slowly changing dimension is a dimension that never changes its attributes over time.

For example, the date of birth of a person is a type 0 attribute, because it does not change after it is recorded. A type 0 dimension can be used to store the original values of some attributes that are not relevant for historical analysis.


Slowly changing dimensions (SCDs) are an integral part of data warehousing and business intelligence platforms, capturing how an entity's data changes over time. They facilitate tracking of historical data, providing insights into trends, patterns, and long-term changes in data. Implementing SCDs enables businesses to maintain historical accuracy, understand temporal shifts, and make informed decisions based on a comprehensive view of data evolution.

The classifications into types 0 through 6 offer various methods to balance between the granularity of historical tracking and system performance, making SCDs adaptable to diverse data management needs. This flexibility ensures that whether a business needs to overwrite data, keep a full history, or manage complex historical changes, there's a suitable SCD strategy.

Lab: SCDs

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