Database Connection
Database connections ..
Connect to the data source.
Overview of Steel Wheels Database
Connect to Sampledata DB with a DB Management Tool
Connect to Sampledata with Data Integration
Download JDBC Driver
Ensure you have downloaded the supported JDBC driver.
Copy the driver in the /lib directory.
Reboot to register the driver.
To create a new transformation
In Spoon, click File > New > Transformation.
Any one of these actions opens a new Transformation tab for you to begin designing your transformation.
By clicking New, then Transformation
By using the CTRL-N hot key
This section is for reference only.
The Container has already been deployed and is exposed on port: 3306
Installation of Maria DB
Ensure Docker Desktop is up and running.
In Docker Desktop Terminal, create a MariaDB directory & copy compose.yml.
mkdir C:\MariaDB
copy C:\Workshop--Data-Integration\Scripts\compose.yml C:\MariaDB\compose.yml
Execute compose.yml.
cd C:\MariaDB
docker compose up -d
container_name: mariadb
image: mariadb:latest
# Uncomment below when on Mac M1
# platform: linux/arm64/v8
command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
restart: always
- 3306:3306
image: adminer
restart: always
- 8050:8080
Check the Container is up and running in Docker.
docker ps -a
a8b310e368af mariadb:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up About a minute>3306/tcp mariadb
0b59cc5524dd adminer " php -…" 2 minutes ago Up About a minute>8080/tcp mariadb-adminer-1
You can also check in Visual Studio Code
Load sampledata.sql script
Open VSCode: C:\Workshop--Data-Integration\Scripts\sampledata_mysql.sql
Copy & paste sections of the script into DBeaver SQL script & execute.
Just double check that the tables have been created and populated.
Installs & configures a MariaDB container with 'sampledata'.
MariaDb is a fork of MySQL. Its a supported Pentaho Repository database.
Create a MariaDB directory & copy compose.yml.
mkdir ~/MariaDB
cp ~/Workshop--Data-Integration/Scripts/compose.yml ~/MariaDB
Execute compose.yml
cd ~/MariaDB
docker compose up -d
container_name: mariadb
image: mariadb:latest
# Uncomment below when on Mac M1
# platform: linux/arm64/v8
command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password
restart: always
- 3306:3306
image: adminer
restart: always
- 8050:8080
Check the Container is up and running in Docker.
docker ps -a
e38d17a5a6a8 adminer " php -…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>8080/tcp, :::8050->8080/tcp mariadb-adminer-1
28370f94c47b mariadb:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>3306/tcp, :::3306->3306/tcp mariadb
3b8a013d12db portainer/portainer-ee:latest "/portainer" 3 months ago Up 20 minutes>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp,>9443/tcp, :::9443->9443/tcp, 9000/tcp portainer
Create the tables and load - insert data.
In DBeaver create a database connection to MariaDB.
Test the connection.
Open in Visual Studio Code:
You have a choice:
Attach the file in SQL Editor.
Copy & paste into SQL Editor. - prefrred method.
Check the data has been inserted.
Steel Wheels
Before beginning to work on databases, let's briefly introduce the Steel Wheels database along with some database definitions.
The sample Steel Wheels database is a collection of items stored in tables. Typically, all items stored in a table belong to a particular data type. The following table lists some of the tables in the Steel Wheels database.
Steel Wheels' customers
All employee information, organization structure such as who reports to whom
Products sold by Steel Wheels
List of product line categories.
Steel Wheels' offices
Information about sales orders
Sales order line items for each sales order.
Payments made by customers based on their accounts.
The items stored in the tables represent an entity or a concept in the real world. As an example, the CUSTOMERS table stores items representing customers. The ORDERS table stores items that represent sales orders in the real world.
In technical terms, a table is uniquely identified by a name such as CUSTOMERS, and contains columns and rows of data.
You can think of a table as a PDI dataset. You have fields (the columns of the table) and rows (the records of the table).
The columns, just like the fields in a PDI dataset, have a metadata describing their name, type, and length. The records hold the data for those columns; each record represents a different instance of the items in the table. As an example, the table CUSTOMERS describe the customers with the columns CUSTOMERNUMBER, CUSTOMERNAME, CONTACTLASTNAME and so forth. Each record of the table CUSTOMERS belongs to a different Steel Wheels' customer.
A table usually has a primary key. A primary key or PK is a combination of one or more columns that uniquely identify each record of the table. In the sample table, CUSTOMERS, the primary key is made up of a single column—CUSTOMERNUMBER. This means there cannot be two customers with the same customer number.
Tables in a relational database are usually related to one another. For example, the CUSTOMERS and ORDERS tables are related to convey the fact that real-world customers have placed one or more real-world orders. In the database, the ORDERS table has a column named CUSTOMERNUMBER with the number of the customer who placed the order. As said, CUSTOMERNUMBER is the column that uniquely identifies a customer in the CUSTOMERS table. Thus, there is a relationship between both tables. This kind of relationship between columns in two tables is called foreign key or FK.
Usually you start working with a database by creating a connection to it. The tool you will be using is DBeaver CE; which helps you quickly to create connections to various databases, as the drivers are shipped with the product.
Once you have a database connection you can search for database objects in the Database Navigator, or use the search tools to find specific objects, or compare databases and their contents. You can also edit data and import and export data, and you can create reports about the database and objects in it.
From Pentaho 9.5+ The DBA roles for the users SA & pentaho_admin have been removed for security reasons.
This section is for Reference only.
The following steps have been completed.
To connect to the sampledata Hypersonic Database (HSQL Server)
Select: HSQLDB Server in DBBeaver.
Configure the connection with the following properties:
You will need to add the correct version of the HSQL driver:
From the drop-down, select version: 2.3.2 driver to download
Username: pentaho_admin
Password: password
The HSQLDB is a component of the Pentaho Server.
Ensure that the Pentaho Server is up and running.
Test the connection.
Expand: PUBLIC -> PUBLIC -> Tables.
This section is for Reference only.
The following steps have been completed.
To connect to the sampledata MariaDB Database
Select: MariaDB in DBBeaver.
Configure the connection with the following properties:
You may need to download the supported version of the database driver.
Test the connection.
Expand: databases -> sampledata -> Tables
select * from CUSTOMERS
where COUNTRY = 'USA' and CITY = 'NYC';
Define Database Connection (MariaDB)
In Spoon, click File > New > Transformation. Any one of these actions opens a new Transformation tab for you to begin designing your transformation:
By clicking New, then Transformation
By using the CTRL-N hot key
From within Spoon, Select:
File > New > Database Connection The Database Connection dialog box appears.
Connection Name
Type name that uniquely identifies your new connection
Connection Type
Select the type of database to which you are connecting
Select your method of access. Available access types depend on the connecting database type
Host Name
Type the name of the server that hosts the database to which you are connecting. Alternatively, you can specify the host by IP address.
Database Name
Enter the name of the database to which you are connecting. If you are using a ODBC connection, enter the Data Source Name (DSN) in this field.
Port Number
Enter the TCP/IP port number if it is different from the default.
User name
Type the user name used to connect to the database.
Type the password used to connect to the database.
Enter the following details:
If you use a MariaDB driver above version 2.7.x then you will receive an error message on: 'fetch size' - use the MySQL driver connection instead.
Connection Name
MariaDB: sampledata
Connection Type
Host Name
localhost or IP address
Database Name
User name
Click Test.
A confirmation message displays if Spoon can establish a connection with the target database.
Share Database Connection
Click OK to save your entries and exit the Database Connection dialog box.
From within the View tab, right-click on the connection and select Share from the list that appears.
This shares the connection with your users. They will be able to select the shared connection. From within the View tab, click Explore to open the Database Explorer for an existing connection. This shows you the schemas and tables inside the connection.
Explore Database
The database explorer allows you to explore any configured database. When you open the database explorer, the first thing you see is a tree with the different objects of the database.
As soon as you select a database table, all buttons to the right side become available for you to explore that table. The following are the functions offered by the buttons at the right side of the database explorer:
Click on the View tab, expand Database Connections.
Right-click SampleData and choose Explore from the menu options.
In the Database Explorer window, expand Sampledata > Tables
Right-click the CUSTOMERS table and choose Preview first 100 from the menu options
Examine the customer data.
Select ‘View SQL’. The simple SQL editor appears. Type this SQL:
Click Execute.
Last updated
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